Where: Virtual Podcast or  Zoom Workshop 

Onsite Location: 1115 Hicks Blvd Ste 5 Fairfield Ohio 45014 

When: 1st and 4th Week of Month Classroom Tuesday & Wednesday 

Time:  9:00am-12:00pm (Registration and Virtual Sign-in 8:45am)

(Hand-On Group or One-on-One Sessions Classroom Certification Completion Requirements (6 hr. Online (3hr per day)

​​Intermediary Comprehensive Development Training 9-12 
Comprehensive Mindset Transformation
Character and Relationship Building.
Personal Development Job Creations, Resume set up, Interview Training Etiquette, Entrepreneur Early Start-up Development & Career Path Sessions

Workshop Educational  Hands on Training for  7-12 High School 
Debt Management
Get-A-Grip Budget Management
Credit Management Transformation
Time Management
Money Matter Management
 Computer Basic Tutorial Training- Word, Excel and PowerPoint Presentation

​​Workshop Educational  Hands on Training for  K-6 Elementary 
Self-discipline Development
 Developing Personal growth outside the Walls
Identifying Inner Unique Strengths  and Weaknesses 
Developing a Healthy Self-Image
Reforming Self-Awareness 
Reframing from Procrastination Cycles 
Team Work Building and Group Interacting 
Positive Anger Management and Self-Perseverance 
Money Matter Builder  Block Interaction
Time Managemen

Group-Virtual- In-Person-

1 on 1 Services

Copyright by Hands On Empowerment Resource Center Inc (I AM Publishing&Design2019)